2. Unit Tests
The ShapeChange unit tests represent the most complete and up-to-date source of examples, both of ShapeChange configurations for a) loading a model, transforming it, and deriving target representations, and b) UML models (mostly as EA repositories, but also in SCXML).
The unit tests can be found in our GitHub repository at https://github.com/ShapeChange/ShapeChange/tree/master/shapechange-app/src/integrationtests. If you are looking for examples of a certain parameter, rule, transformation, or target, simply perform a search over the contents of these resources (in .xml files), searching for either the name of the parameter or rule, or the fully qualified class name of the transformation or target (as defined in the documentation of that ShapeChange process).
You may end up finding two configuration files per unit test. In that case, you can just look at the file whose name does NOT end with _runWithSCXML.xml. |
BACKGROUND: ShapeChange unit tests that were originally developed for a UML model within an EA repository (for ease of modelling) often have additional files in their respective folders, that represent the UML model in SCXML (ShapeChange XML - for encoding a UML model in XML) and a ShapeChange configuration to run the unit test with the SCXML encoded model. This is a mechanism to speed up the processing time of the unit tests, and is described in further detail in the ShapeChange developer documentation. If the EA repository file is named model.qea or model.qeax, then the SCXML model file will be named model.zip. If the original ShapeChange configuration is named scConfig.xml, then the configuration to process the SCXML encoded model will be named scConfig_runWithSCXML.xml.